Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Sun Always Shines on TV

Have you ever had the dream in which you're late to a final exam, running around trying to find the classroom where it's being given, only to realize that you've never gone to class even once all semester and it's too late to drop? I guess that can be interpreted to mean there's anxiety (real or imagined) over not being prepared for something.

Whenever we are getting ready to travel, I start having variations of the same nightmare -- we've missed our flight or forgotten to pack something important, like passports, tickets, or a camera. Or something unforseen happens to throw a wrench in things. Oh wait, that wasn't a dream... a few years ago we really were hit by an uninsured driver the day before a trip and had to rent a van so that we could still go.

Or even worse, like Clark Griswold, we finally arrive at our destination only to find out that the place we drove all this way to get to is CLOSED FOR REPAIRS...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Do You Remember...?

...about things that happened when you were a kid?  I don't mean things like, for me and my '80s kin, "where were you when you heard about President Reagan getting shot?" or "what were you doing when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded moments after launch?" Those kinds of big, dramatic events somehow must end up deeply embedded in our brain. I was thinking more along the lines of stuff that happened at school or while hanging out with friends, or on family vacations.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vacation on the Brain

We're just a few weeks away from embarking on our summer vacation -- travelling more than halfway across the country and back again over a period of nearly 4 weeks! I've really enjoyed reading various friends' blogs and am inspired to chronicle our family adventures in more detail than just sharing posts and pics with friends on Facebook. So, internet access permitting, you are invited to journey along with us as we go on our crazy, Saiki-delic road trip!

But since I'm too obssessive-compulsive to wait until we're actually "on vacation", I'm sure I'll be putting up posts in the meantime. For me, researching and planning are almost as much fun as going. And this trip has been in the works for more than a year, so you can imagine how hard it is to contain my excitement now that it's almost here!!!