Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cubs and Cacti

Since this was our last day in Mesa, the boys wanted to try one last time for some more autographs. So after breakfast, we loaded up the van, checked out, and went over to see the Cubs take batting practice before their away game. We weren't sure whether they would be at their practice fields at Fitch Park or at Hohokam, but we planned to stop by both facilities since they're so close to each other.

We went to Fitch Park first, but found out that only the minor leaguers were there practicing...

So we zipped up Center Street to see the game day players at Hohokam.

Manager Dale Sveum throwing BP

4-3 double play!

M and J were happy to get the autograph of Cubs' top prospect Brett Jackson, but were disappointed that they still didn't get Starlin Castro or Alfonso Soriano. But as all good Cub fans know, there's always next year!

From the stadium, we hit the road, going south to Tucson and Saguaro National Park. Saguaro NP is actually separated into two parts, with the city of Tucson in between. Today we only had enough time to visit one. Based on the recommendation of the ranger I spoke with last week, we went to the smaller Tucson Mountain district on the west side.

At the visitor center, my seasoned junior rangers asked for their books and started working right away. From there, we took the Bajada Loop Drive to Signal Hill, although bumpy gravel roads aren't that conducive to writing.

At Signal Hill, we did the easy hike up to the top to see petroglyphs, as well as get up close and personal with some cacti...

Aren't petroglyphs just ancient graffiti?

It was H-O-T!

They know the drill!

After the boys were sworn in and received their badges, we went to check-in to our hotel. The boys decided to skip the pool (surprising!) and we went straight out to grab dinner. Unfortunately, there are no DDD spots in Tucson. Because we were going to meet friends later in the evening on the north side of town, we found a place up there to try - Thunder Canyon Brewery. R had BBQ brisket and I had BBQ pulled pork, with a selection of different sauces to choose from. Tasty!

After dinner we went to watch our college friends' daughter play softball. He's one of the coaches and their team pulled out a win over their arch-nemesis -- yea! Go Heat!

Getting batting tips from Coach Dad

Even though spring training was the main purpose of this trip, R and I were really thrilled to be able to visit so many friends, as well as family! Being together again with the folks we spent so much time with in college is kind of like hitting the rewind button on our lives. It's just so surreal having our kids in the same frame!

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