Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Today was the day that we (meaning, R and me!) have been looking forward to ever since we decided to come for spring training! Cubs vs. Rangers game at Hohokam! Cubs! Woo!

Rich took the boys down to breakfast first while I was working on yesterday's blog post. One of the Cubs spring training regulars overheard the boys talking about getting more autographs and offered a tip. He recommended going to watch batting practice on days when they have an away game. They warm-up at their own practice fields before boarding the team bus to head over to the other stadium. Since it's not as big of a crowd as there is at a game, more players take time to sign.

Torii Hunter's autograph
Our friends wanted to see if this advice would hold true for the Angels this morning at Tempe Diablo Stadium, since they were playing an away game in the afternoon. So we tagged along, too. Sure enough, the gates to the stadium were open and the team was taking BP. We arrived just in time to get Torii Hunter to sign!

Those are some happy kiddos!

Angels 2B Howard Kendrick also signed for the kids. While we were there at the stadium, we bumped into another family we know from home. Guess we weren't the only ones with the same fun idea for spring break!

Howard Kendrick

Then it was back on the road to make our way towards Hohokam Park. We waited until they opened the gates, then went to claim our spot on the berm in right center field. The boys figured that was the best place to sit because more home runs would come there, *and* we would be right next to the bullpen and where the players exit. How's that for a strategy?!

Playing catch before the game

We sat to the left of the light pole in right field

When we bought our tickets, we knew that this was going to be a split squad game, so we were really happy to see that most of the regular guys were going to start and that Ryan Dempster was the starting pitcher. He had a fairly good start, giving up 2 runs and lasting 5 innings. The relief didn't do quite as well, however. Final score: Rangers 6, Cubs 2.

But it was still a great day to take in a game! Sunny, without a cloud in the sky. And as I type this, it's pretty apparent how sunny it was, because you can totally see where we needed to reapply sunscreen. Oww!

Enjoying our eats!

Chicken tender basket

Besides collecting autographs, the boys have really wanted to get a ball. We've come close a few times, which has only served to add to their agony. Since this was the last game we were going to attend, you can imagine their desperation. R nearly had the ground-rule double ball that bounced up in front of us in the 8th. Grrrr!

But it's a good thing J is a smart cookie. He stood over by the Rangers bullpen for the longest time by himself, watching the relievers warm up. And they rewarded him for his patience by tossing him a ball. After his success, the other 3 kids followed his lead and each got one. Good thing, or it would have been a long trip home!

Fast forward 20 years and we'll be those geriatric snow birds coming to see
the Cubs at spring training!

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