Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Adventure Begins (Again)...

0245 PDT: Let me just start out by saying that I am *not* an early riser. “O dark hundred” is not a time that anyone should be awake. But I was worried that we would oversleep and miss our flight, so ~3 fitful hours of sleep will have to suffice today.

0300 PDT: The boys are up. I didn't have to wake them. And they’re soooo chirpy. Why are the boys up?!

0400 PDT: All packed and ready to go. There is a Hertz rental location at my workplace and they have special deals for one-way rentals to/from the airport. It’s cheaper than long-term parking and definitely better for my stress level since we don’t have to worry about a shuttle picking us up on time.

0500 PDT: Traffic was light on the 405, so we made great time. Less than 5 minutes to return the car (thanks to my Hertz #1 Club Gold card from work!) and onto a shuttle over to LAX. We were amazed at how many people were here at this hour for early mid-week flights.

0530 PDT: After using the kiosk to check our one bag, we went up to TSA. The lines were moving pretty well, but we usually try to fly at off-peak times, so I shudder to think of how long they must be when it's busy! We didn't get sent to the full-body x-ray line and J didn't have to take off his shoes. 2 kids, 2 carry-ons, 4 backpacks - check!

0630 PDT: The pickings in Terminal 4 were slim (Terminal 7 has better choices!), but we managed to find something for everyone to eat before boarding the plane.

0700 PDT: On-time departure, if you consider when the plane pushes back from the gate. Time for my Dramamine and a nap!

1300 CDT: We landed early (1230 CDT), but it took forever to taxi to the gate and deplane. Thankfully our bag was already on the carousel at baggage claim, and my father-in-law was waiting outside to pick us up.

1345 CDT: First order of business - lunch!

I would have taken a picture of our steakburgers and fries, but we were so hungry that they were devoured before I had a chance to!

1500 CDT: We went over to church to pick-up my mother-in-law, who was there playing Samba with some of the Niseis (2nd generation Japanese-Americans). R’s cousin and a few others were also there getting the decorations ready for Vacation Bible School. The theme is National Park VBS – too bad we won’t be here when it's going on!

1600 CDT: After unloading our stuff at my brother-in-law’s place, we left the boys with Grandma and drove over to pick up our rental car. I made the reservation for a local Hertz rather than the airport location – it would have cost us almost twice as much for the same full-size car!

1730 CDT: One word – Lou’s!  Mmmmmmm….

Stop drooling!

1800 CDT: R’s auntie took the boys and their 2nd cousin D over to see their other cousins and go swimming at their house.

I’m so glad that the boys enjoy hanging out with their extended family! That’s the hardest part about us living so far away.

1930 CDT: R and I went to Baker’s Square to hang out and catch up with an old friend. Not that he’s old – we’re all old! Haha! When R and I first started dating (20+ years ago!), R brought me to meet him because I had to get his “stamp of approval”. I guess I must have passed!

2200 CDT: I’m wiped out, but it’s been a great day! Being the crazy people that we are, we’re going to Great America tomorrow. The forecast is for temps in the high 90s, with 30% chance of isolated severe thunderstorms. D is sleeping over upstairs at his grandma’s and he is coming along with us. Fingers crossed that no one else is as crazy (stupid?) as we are and the lines will be short… and that I don’t toss my cookies!


Anonymous said...

So glad to be reading your blog again! Just wish we were in central Illinois so we would have a chance to visit with you! Enjoy your time. Connie (& Him)

natlparkfan said...

If you'll meet us in Morton, I'll be sure to bring pizza!

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