Saturday, December 22, 2012

I'm Dreaming of a Blue/Orange Christmas

At J's basketball travel team practice about two months ago, I was talking with another parent who also happens to be from Illinois. The Bears were off to a hot start, and we were excited about their playoff prospects! He mentioned that he had thought about getting tickets to the Monday night (11/19) Bears-Niners game in San Francisco or to the Bears-Cardinals game in Phoenix (12/23). That brief conversation started the wheels turning -- both cities are a reasonable drive away and both games fell during times when the boys would be on break from school. Hmmmm....

We quickly ruled out the 49er game because the tickets and hotel were much more expensive, although seeing a game at Candlestick would have been cool! We also figured that the Bears had a better shot of winning against the Cards. Who'd have guessed that they would take a 1-5 nosedive after going 7-1?! R mentioned the idea to his brother, and K quickly found tickets to the Cardinal game for sale by some guy on Craigslist. He was able to meet him in person when he was in Phoenix for a business trip, so hopefully the tickets he bought are legit. Awesome Christmas present, Uncle K! 

So, instead of our traditional Christmas visit with K at our house, we drove to Phoenix and picked him up from the airport here this afternoon. From there, we went straight over to R and K's cousin's home to hang out with her and her husband. So much fun!

Unfortunately, our other orange and blue team did not win their annual "Braggin' Rights" game against Mizzou today. But hopefully the Bears will be more successful tomorrow!

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