Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hits and Misses

I wanted to write up a recap for this trip, but when I went to poll the family, my not-so-diplomatic teenager had this comment to offer...

"Not one of your best trips, Mom."


After nursing my bruised ego, I had to admit, he's probably right on that point. This *won't* rank up there as one of our most favorite trips. I'm okay with that -- you can't hit a home run every time, right?! Still, I'm happy that we were able to see places that we had never been before and learn new things. That's why I think traveling is a valuable experience!  

So, even if there were more misses than hits this time around, I am still going to make them find something positive to say about it...

What things did you like the most on this trip?
J: Going to the Cubs game and exploring the cave at Coronado National Memorial
R: The Queen Mine tour and Fort Bowie
Me: Fort Bowie and Chiricahua 
M: The Cubs game and the Queen Mine tour

The least?
R: Tubac Presidio was lame
M: Fort Bowie
J: Sharing a bed with M 
Me: Surly children 

What / where was the best thing we ate?
Me: Homemade tortillas at Tumacácori
R: Bisbee Breakfast Club
Boys: Portillo's (Success! We've got them Chicago-brainwashed!)

Finish this sentence.  I learned that...
J: Chiricahua means "wild turkey".
Me: Saguaro and organ pipe cacti can develop mutant growths that look like fans or crests, which is why they are called cristate. 
R: There are four distinct deserts within the United States - Sonoran, Mojave, Great Basin, and Chihuahuan.
M: Coronado's expedition was a failure. 

What was your most memorable moment?
R: Spelunking at Coronado National Memorial
J: Finding the rattlesnake on the trail at Fort Bowie
M: It was really hot at the Cubs game, so we got the beer guy to dump out ice. We put it in our hats to cool off. 
Me: Enjoying my alone time hiking back to the van from Fort Bowie, only to realize that I had both sets of keys. And then having to double time the last uphill part because the rest of the family was yelling at me to hurry up so they could get into the car.

So this trip wasn't one of the best. Which three family vacations top your list?
M: Ultimate Road Trip (2011), Washington DC (2010), and Ohio (2012)
J: Ultimate Road Trip (except Effigy Mounds), Washington DC, and California Zephyr (Amtrak to Chicago; 2009)
R: Ultimate Road Trip, Washington DC, and Spring Training (2012)
Me: Ultimate Road Trip, Massachusetts (2013), and Washington DC 

Where would you want to go next?  (Note that this is a hypothetical question, since M is going to high school this fall but his extracurricular activities start in the summer. The whole dang summer. Grrrr!)
Me: Civil War sites  
J: Florida
R / M: Hawaii

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