Saturday, March 23, 2019

March Madness

Since both the college freshman (M) and the "how-long-until-SAT|ACT|AP-tests are over" junior (J) have spring break this week, we decided to take a quick road trip. Not sure how many more opportunities we'll have to travel like this as a family, so I'm thankful that they still want to go places with us. J's only request was that we visit someplace "Instagram-worthy". 

Hmmm, that's a tall order, son...

Can you guess where we are going? Here's a clue. This is where we ate lunch today.

If it's in sight, it must be right...

Afterwards we drove over to visit this national monument on the north side of town. It was designated in 2014 to preserve and protect "unique and nationally important paleontological, scientific, educational, and recreational resources," including fossils of Ice Age Columbian mammoths, extinct horses, camels, sloths, and bison. Because it's a newer unit, there are no facilities, visitor center, or interpretive signage. 

Looking for Manny, Sid, and Diego

Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time to hike around and look for fossils. We'll have to come back when the NPS has developed the unit a little more. Spring is definitely a good time to visit - can't imagine how anyone could stay outside for very long in 100+ degree weather! 

An added bonus for today was hanging out with old friends and even seeing some extended family! Going back to 2003, R's brother K organized a guys' weekend here every year during March Madness. Sadly, K passed away in 2015 just after their annual gathering, so I'm glad that the group has continued the tradition. While R headed off to Echo & Rig for an early dinner with the guys, I took the boys to Monta. M missed our last two family reunions (for a high school marching band competition in 2016 and again for his drum corps tour in 2018), so he was definitely craving their ramen!

Then after dinner, the three of us stopped by this sign for a pic because M wanted one for his "IG".

Yep, it's probably no surprise that we're in Vegas. But we're only passing through on our way to Lake Powell, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and Page, AZ. The boys should get their photo ops, and I will get to check off 4 new national park units on this trip! 

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