Thursday, June 17, 2021

Hot Dog!

J and M made plans to hang out with their cousin D today. So, his mom (R's cousin K) picked up the boys after she finished work at O'Hare, and then brought them back out to their house in the northwest suburbs. D scored some guest passes to his fitness center, so the three of them went to work out and then play pick-up ball. J was definitely prepared - he even packed his basketball shoes for the trip!

Somewhere under all that stuff is a hot dog
While they were out, R and I went over to Dad's place to spend the day with him. For lunch, the three of us ended up going to Byron's on Lawrence for Chicago hot dogs, although I confess that I ordered a cheeseburger (sacrilege!) It's not one of our usual food stops when we come back to Illinois, so it's been ages since we've been here.

Later in the afternoon, we met up with some of our good friends. (I won't say "old", but S and P have been friends with R since childhood and embraced me when R and I started dating.) Since P had plans in the evening, we picked a convenient spot to meet - Superdawg Drive-in on Milwaukee. However, only J came with us, since M stayed behind to dial in to Summer Con.

Yes, it's been featured on the Food Network, but the guys have been coming here well before that. No, we didn't eat more Chicago dogs, but R did order a Black Kow (root beer float). So much fun to catch up with them, even though the time was short!

For dinner, R's dad took us and the aunties out to Pita Inn in Skokie. I still think that their hummus and falafel are the best that I have *ever* had. Sadly, no pics because we devoured everything, so you'll just have to take my word for it!

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