Monday, March 25, 2013

Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover. I didn't know much about Herbert Hoover before today, except that he was President of the United States. Oh, and that Archie and Edith Bunker sang "Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again." Now that the "All in the Family" theme song is running through your head, here are a few more tidbits about our 31st President that we gleaned from our visit to Herbert Hoover National Historic Site today...
  • Orphaned at the age of nine
  • A Quaker
  • Was a mining engineer
  • Led humanitarian relief effort to provide food for millions of Belgians during World War I
  • First president born west of the Mississippi

Located in West Branch (~10 miles east of Iowa City), the site's historic structures (birthplace cottage, blacksmith shop, Friends meetinghouse, and schoolhouse) represent the early life of Hoover.

"This cottage where I was born is physical proof of the unbounded opportunity of American life. In no other land could a boy from a country village, without inheritance or influential friends, look forward with unbound hope."

Blacksmith shop with the yellow schoolhouse behind it to the left

Friends Meetinghouse

The gravesites of President and Mrs. Hoover are located on a hillside overlooking the site, with a clear view of the birthplace cottage.

The Hoover Presidential Library & Museum are also located in West Branch, but unfortunately we didn't have time to go through them. 

Here's one last thing that we learned today...

You should always listen to your mother! Cold much?!

Next stop, Quad Cities and then Central Illinois!

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