Monday, July 9, 2012

5 Pounds Later...

It's been a couple of uneventful days here at my parents', just resting, relaxing, and eating lots of good food! Just perfect!  

On Saturday, Mom made one of the family's favorites for lunch -- Chinese green onion pancakes, for lack of a better translation. R took the boys to the Morton pool in the afternoon. They swam, jumped off the diving boards, and went down the slide. M seemed to really enjoy going off the high dive! For dinner, we went out to eat at Busy Corner in Goodfield. My parents and R love their fried chicken. Sorry, no pics!

Sunday morning we went to the early service at the church I attended while growing up (new building and location, though).  The guest worship leaders were Aradhna, two guys who grew up as missionary kids in India. They had performed at the Cornerstone Music Festival last week, and were playing sitar and guitar this Sunday morning, singing worship songs in Hindi. Very progressive for my small-town Mennonite church! It was also nice to see the pastor who performed our wedding ceremony 17 years ago, and catch up a bit with him and his wife!

R and the boys ventured out into the afternoon heat to shoot some hoops on the playground at my old grade school. When they finished, they wanted to go downtown to the Dairy Queen for a treat. We bumped into a friend of mine from high school and her daughter there, as well as met up with my Cedar Point expert friend and his wife. Fun!

And for Sunday dinner, my mom whipped up this feast for us...

Clockwise from left:  ma po tofu, broccoli, pork with fresh shiitake mushrooms,
barbeque pork in hoisin sauce, shrimp

This afternoon, R took M & J to the water park in East Peoria. Splashdown is always a must-visit for the boys when we come back. Thanks, hon! And we got to check off another must-eat when we had Monical's pizza for dinner.

Two words -- F O O D   C O M A!

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