Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Growing Like Weeds

For our last day in Morton yesterday, the highlight was R getting a haircut in town. Woohoo, fun times!  It figures that the heat is finally starting to break, just as we are leaving.  My guess is that it will be hot in CA when we get home... the irony of it all!

One last pic of the boys with the grandparents before we hit the road.

Just some of my parents' roses

Just for grins, I thought I'd pull out this pic from our trip back last July for comparison...

We took a slight detour from our usual route back to Chicago to stop at Gebhard Woods State Park in Morris. Why stop there? For two Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor passport cancellations, of course! The information center was closed when we got there at 3PM, even though the posted sign said 10AM-4PM daily. Fortunately, someone was working in the maintenance garage and he kindly let us into the office to get the stamps. Yay!

From here, it was a little over an hour back to Chicago. We met my in-laws for dinner and crashed back at my brother-in-law's place for the night.

This morning we went back over to my in-laws for a little bit, so R could visit with one of their neighbors. Here's another pic of the boys with their grandparents.

J didn't shrink... he's standing downhill from everyone else!

For our last Midwestern lunch, the boys chose... Steak 'n Shake! There's no doubt that they love this place. It's only our fourth time to eat here in two weeks! Good thing it doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

While we were at lunch, I got an automated call from American Airlines, notifying us that our 6:00PM flight had been delayed until 8:30PM. Oh joy. That means that we won't get home until after midnight!  Oof!

Then it was back to return the car to the local Hertz. This was definitely the way to go for a rental -- so much more reasonably priced than getting one from the airport!

All in all, we've had a great two weeks back here in the Midwest, even in spite of the heat! I'll try to post a recap after we get back home and have had a chance to recover! Thanks for reading along!

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