Friday, July 6, 2012

Hail to the Orange!

From Dayton, we hopped onto I-70 and drove about 2 hours west to Indianapolis. Another 2 hours farther, and we were in Champaign-Urbana! It's been nearly 20 years since R and I have been back to campus, so we were eager to see what had changed (or not!) and to show the boys around. I just wish it hadn't been so hot today -- we could have walked around to see more!

First stop, our former residence halls...

187 LAR

Allen Hall 3 North quad
(2nd & 3rd windows to the right of the downspout)

M and J were unimpressed with what they saw, until we pointed out that they wouldn't even exist if Mom and Dad hadn't met each other here!

Driving down Goodwin, we were happy to see that Espresso Royale and the Bread Company were still in business! I ran in, looking for my favorite cheese croissants, but they were all out. Boo!

We went past Wesley and the Etc., and came back around on Mathews to park the car. Because it was late Friday afternoon during summer session and soooo dang H-O-T, I imagine that's why there weren't many people around. But we still warned the boys to watch out on the bike paths or they might get schwinned.

Too bad more people weren't out on the Quad today. Trying to explain to the boys what it's like when there are a sea of people walking to class, hanging out, playing, etc. just didn't do it justice!

We cut through the Union (pointing out my preferred spot to take a nap in the south lounge) and went downstairs to see the bowling alley. Some lanes have been removed to add billiard tables, and the pinball machines have been replaced with XBox stations! The variety of restaurants in the food court is impressive. Then it was back outside to brave the heat to take our obligatory photo with the Alma Mater.

The natives were getting restless, so we didn't take time to go through Noyes Lab or see 228 Natural History. We did drive by Memorial Stadium and Assembly Hall on our way out of town. So tempted to stop by Jarling's Custard Cup on Kirby, but we needed to get to my parents' in time for dinner.  

Good thing we saved room for...

My mom's friend picked these fresh from their farm today and brought
over 3 dozen ears!  So delicious!

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