Sunday, August 4, 2019

Testosterone Day

J's final game was supposed to start at noon today, but they were running about 45 minutes behind (the facility wasn't opened as scheduled). Fortunately, another parent texted us about the delay, so we could take our time getting over to Henderson. J stayed out late bowling with his teammates at South Point last night, so he definitely needed the extra sleep this morning.

Here's another clip of J driving the lane, putting up a floater, and getting the "and 1"! (Thanks to another team parent for the highlight!)

Sadly, the team couldn't finish off their Tigers career with a win. Regardless, J has really enjoyed playing with these guys.  What a great group of families!

Afterwards, the four of us grabbed a quick bite from Steak 'n Shake Sonic and then zipped back to Vegas. To celebrate the birthday of one of J's teammates, his parents booked a group outing for the boys at Top Shot. And luckily for M, there was room for him to join in the fun. Think of it as a cross between laser tag and paintball, but with real guns modified to shoot blanks which register as an electric shock when you've been "hit".

While the guys were getting their testosterone fix, I stayed behind at the hotel to take a much-needed nap. So I missed out when they all went to Steak 'n Shake (finally!) after they were done shooting at each other. *sigh*

And for the last outing of this leg of our trip, a bunch of the guys went to Top Golf. I opted out of this one, too, because I was repacking our things for our early morning flight to Kona, but I heard they all had a good time!


Next up, the Big Island!

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