Friday, August 2, 2019

The Ninth Hawaiian Island

Yep, we're back in Las Vegas again, but this time it's for a weekend of basketball for J! The tournament is hosted by the Hollywood Dodgers, a historically Japanese-American youth basketball organization from So Cal. As a kid, R played in a similar league, the Chicago Nisei Athletic Association (CNAA), so it's especially fun to see things come full circle. J wanted to play with his good friend and joined his team for their senior season. And since J is Yonsei (4th generation), he doesn't count against the team's non-JA limit. Woohoo!

To avoid Friday afternoon traffic, we caravanned together from SoCal this morning with our friends, stopped in Barstow (for an Old Spanish National Historic Trail stamp for me)...

...and arrived in Vegas mid-afternoon. Since it was too early to check in, we headed straight to Steak 'n Shake Monta Ramen for a late lunch.

The kids...

...and their happy parents

Although we usually stay downtown, this weekend we are living it up at the Elara, thanks to our friends M and C!

Great view of Paris and the Strip from our room

Having a late lunch meant that we would have an even later dinner. No problem - nothing closes because it's Vegas! So we walked through the Miracle Mile Shops and headed north on the Strip to Steak 'n Shake Hash House a Go Go at The LINQ. Yum!

Blueberry flapjack with lemon curd

Seeing the craziness of the Strip on a Friday night reminded me why I much prefer being downtown. But M and J did like having the mall right next to where we were staying, since shopping is one of the few things minors can actually do in Vegas. Ha!

So, what does Las Vegas have to do with Hawaii? Did you know that Las Vegas has the largest population of Hawaiians outside of the state, hence the "ninth island" moniker? And since we're leaving for the Big Island straight from here, our family vacation in Hawaii has already started. Aloha!

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